The Inevitable Pain: 3 Causes and Ways To Prevent
There is nothing worse than daily pain — it comes with emotional distress, reactivity, weak immunity and loss of drive. What is interesting is that most of the pain is caused by 3 factors, and it is our awareness and a life-long practice will help us manage and prevent them. My heart goes to all of you in pain, I’ve definitely lived through it, you are not alone:
1. Pain from illness, viruses, bacteria & toxins is pretty much inevitable, especially when we ignore daily selfcare, quality rest, mental hygiene, and clean food. Scientific studies credit stress and lifestyle to 90% of all diseases today — stress hormones shut down our immune system and the hormones that repair and eliminate waste from our bodies. Our brains keep stress hormones high because they are over-worked, over-stimulated with phones and city life. To turn the immunity and repair on, we need to add smarter routines, yin, stretchy classes to our week, meditation, regular self-massage, long baths, quiet days in nature, reduce screentime, and the toxicity of our households. The keys to prevention and healing are strong immunity, a peaceful state of mind and a nurturing environment.
2. Unfortunately, every body someday will experience pain from an injury, joint overuse, bad posture, accident, faster sports, heavyweights, chronic tension. The tension we ignore eventually turns into an injury, inflammation, strain, or arthritis. To prevent and relieve tension buildup, all yoga is great. Remember smarter, not faster. In some of our yoga classes, we use fun little therapy TuneUp balls to add more precise muscle release work, plus once a month we hold a 90min Deep Myofascial Tissue Rollout, every 1st Sunday at 11am. Schedule here >
Watch the video to see a few ways of using TuneUp Balls
3. Lastly, there is a chronic pain related to our fascinating nervous system and the mind, the ‘physically invisible causes’. Some are autoimmunity disorders, TMS, Fibromyalgia, some back pain, sciatica and more. This pain requires a lot of testing to exclude toxicity and neurological viruses, as well as a team of holistic mind-body doctors to help us heal the ecosystem of the mind. If you want to learn more about long-lasting chronic pain, I have added a Podcast ‘Like Mind Like Body’ in February Resources below, where brilliant scientists, therapists and doctors are still discovering the incredible human mind, and the invisible causes of pain. The best news that yoga, meditation, and myofascial work are common treatments for pain management. And, if you are curious about Somatic Psychotherapy, please sign up for the upcoming talks led by Aiyisha Castillo, one of our teachers on staff. You can take her yoga classes on Mondays 12p, Wednesdays 6:15p and Fridays 5:20p. The next workshop is scheduled for February 22nd. Read more >
Benefits of our slower yoga classes, meditation and myofascial release:
- boosts immunity and balances hormones to allow repair
- relieves and prevents chronic pain
- somatic-emotional healing of trauma, anger, anxieties, restlessness, and stress
- self-awareness, body-awareness and inner peace
If you are currently in pain, my heart goes to you. You are not alone. Here are a few products to help that I love:
1. Pain, Inflammation, Tension, Arthritis Relief Rub by Inhale Nature >
2. Curable App — chronic pain management designed by doctors and scientists >
3. Plantar Fasciitis Kit for all foot pain by Toes & Soles Footcare >
4. Deep Tissue Release TuneUp Balls by TuneUp Fitness and Jill Miller >
Glow-Getters’ February Books and Other Education:
I will be sending you monthly recommendations for the books I’m reading and other sources I found helpful for inner peace, emotional and overall health. Simply click on each to order:
- The Yamas & Niyamas: simple yet profound little book to help you move through life with grace and courage
- Loneliness Companion: full of wisdom and tools, by our local family-relationships therapist, founder of Evolve Therapy
- Dark Waters Movie: exposing the health lawsuits and the toxicity practices of Teflon products, a must
- Like Mind Like Body, a podcast by Curable: the team of doctors and scientists on managing and healing ‘invisible’ chronic pain
Don’t forget to check our amazing lineup of educational and relaxing weekend wellness events, we would love to help you recharge, boost your immunity and reconnect with your inner peace.